Lille 2004 drew its strength from the artists and residents who transformed the city throughout the year. It left landmarks which will remain both in the collective memory and in reality: the Metamorphoses, the Mondes Parallèles, the Maisons Folie, festivals, celebrations and, above all, an amazing enthusiasm.
This dynamism will be extended further by lille3000, encompassing the wider world and questions of the future, by making full use of the know-how and attributes of the Lille metropolitan area and surrounding region.
Lille3000 explores various domains: the economy and new technologies – through, for example, the exposure of new textiles, one of the fields of excellence of our region -, the idea of a new city lifestyle and the construction of the city of tomorrow, notions of spirituality and, in more general terms, questions of society and civilisation.
Lille3000 > every two years exploring a new theme from across the globe.
For four months, lille3000 will inject a dose of Eastern exoticism into the city and wider region. With an energy reminiscent of the one deployed during Lille 2004, lille3000 will involve several towns and cities on a local as well as Euroregional level.
In 2006, India and - to a lesser extent - Finland provide the themes. In 2008, it will be the turn of Eastern Europe.